Daily Schedule
A typical day at Cuddles Academy Childcare
Open-8:00 Children arriving, free playtime
8:00-8:30 Breakfast Summer adjustment
8:30-9:30 Activities/Reading/Art Time 8:30-9:30 Outside time
9:30-10:30 Outside play (weather permitting) 9:30-10:30 Activities
11:00-11:30 Lunch
12:00-2:00 Nap/quiet time.
2:00-2:15 Snack time (as children wake)
2:30-Close Children's choice (based on our morning and the weather)
Understanding the schedule:
● These times are flexible. For example, we may come in from outside at 10:00 and choose a more relaxing activity. And, of course, the coming and going of parents & children will be accommodated as we work together to schedule around your needs. (Meal and Nap times do not change.)
● Notice that this schedule does not show transition periods. We have to “get ready” before and “clean up” afterward and this is done at the children's own pace (we love teamwork!)
● There is a mandatory diaper and/or bathroom break for every child before nap.
● All children will lay down at nap time until the summer before starting Kindergarten.
● This schedule is used by children 1-5 years in our care.
● Infants (under 1 year) eat and sleep as needed. An individual schedule will be set for each infant as we work closely with parents to help their little one find a routine that best fits their changing needs.
Also check out our Program tabs above to see more about our structure!!
Typical Childcare hours are 6:30am-4pm Monday-Friday.
Extended Hours are available from enrolled families from 6am-5pm.